Friends of the Occoquan River/Reservoir Spring Cleanup 2021
The saying, “Many hands make light work,” applies to FOTO’s Occoquan River cleanups on April 10 and 17, 2021. With COVID-19 restrictions in place, two hundred sixty-five volunteers participated at the Bull Run, Fountainhead, Lake Ridge Parks, Occoquan Regional Park/Marinas, the Town of Occoquan, and our newest site at the Occoquan Harbor Marina. They removed 1.6 tons of debris from the River’s shore and Reservoir, the source of drinking water for 1.2 million people in Northern Virginia.
Families came out with their children, among them 30 employees from American Water, several members of the Bull Run Rotary Club, JROTC cadets and their leaders from Woodbridge Senior High School, NoVAGO kayakers and Boy Scout Troops 1369, Cub Scout Pack 1369, 1373, Girl Scout Troops 295, 6881, and 18060. Glenn Richman of Lake Ridge with Lt. Col. (Ret) Burnette and cadets brought a truckload of filled trash and recyclable bags from the shorelines to the Marina.
Among the items were 110 filled trash and 46 recyclable bags, a kid’s pool, six PCV pipes, two lawn chairs, two metal rods, an oil barrel, rusted garden shovels, one six-foot iron beam, two trash can lids, one tire, two golf clubs, one plastic crate, several metal & plastic containers, one 8-ft bench, a large net filled with trash, several buckets, five board boxes and one container with hazardous material.
A big thank you to our Sponsors, NOVA Park managers and their staff, and the Town of Occoquan’s team.